Thursday, February 24, 2011

Many Are Invited Few Are Chosen

Many Are Invited Few Are Chosen

What is a day like here for me in Guatemala?  Que depende. This morning started at 6:25 am and if anyone knows me well they know I have never been a morning person. I have always said to Matt if you want to tell me something important let me know after 10:00 am. People change, don’t tell Matt but I recently found great peace in getting up early in the morning. I can only hear the bird’s awkward attempts at singing, they are more of a cacophony here and not a sweet sound, picture magpies and crows combined. I make myself a good strong cup of tea and I relax in my chair for some coveted quiet with the Lord. This morning my alone time was short and then we were off to the friends of Jesus breakfast. If you do not know what this means message me, this is what I call my beloved pre-Christian sisters who make a living in the bars. The girl MLT students accompany Steve and Karla to the House of Refuge where they host a breakfast for our sisters, we only have two hours to spend with them before the bars open and it is always a sweet time. Shara-Rae led worship in Spanish on guitar with Nicole and Ashley accompanying her. At first it was hard, it seemed like we were singing for the women and not worshiping but as we prayed the presence of the Lord came in like a sweet fragrance. Shara-Rae shared her testimony and the transparency opened the heavens over us. I shared the parable of the wedding banquet. I have heard this many times before and my attention was always directed to the part where the Lord commanded His servants to go to the street corners and invite anyone you can find. But this time when I read it I was drawn to the part where a man came in the wrong clothes and the king had him thrown out into the darkness. This struck me, is this harsh treatment or simply mercy? For many are invited but few are chosen. What does this mean? God is calling us and instead of responding to our maker we go about our business and pay no attention to what our King has prepared for us. He is planning a huge wedding banquet and His son is the groom. Would a bride show up in her jeans and hoodie?  No, she comes prepared and ready to marry her love. The clothes we are to wear to this wedding are very specific; they are the robes of righteousness bought by our grooms love, paid in full by His shed blood. No one comes in without wearing these robes. This is mercy because there are white robes for you and for me; for the sinner and the saint. Every breakfast is a divine mingling of sinners and saints waiting to be clothed and welcomed home. Pray with us as we share the message of God’s grace to all we come in contact with. There was a battle in the realm of the spirit because the enemy wants the domain of these ladies hearts to belong to them, but I chose to receive them with open arms and prepare these brides for their beloved. After this I came home chat with my kids, teach on my best friend, the Holy Spirit and then have some delicious lunch that I do not have to cook. In the afternoon I chat with friends organize our outreach and have hot chocolate in the heat with my beautiful friends. That was today in Guatemala and I hoped I can get a run in before I fall exhausted into bed with my other best friend. Love you all!


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