Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Abby @ Casa Esperanza Children's Home

Inside the gates of Fe viva in Guazacapan Guatemala, the children's home Casa Esperanza stands tall. Behind the fence which encircles it 32 children live happily; children who would otherwise be living in neglect, poverty or abuse. Many who visit Fe viva and hear about Casa Esperanza think of it as an orphanage but in the entire house only 2 kids are real orphans. Most of them have parents but some like these three sisters Stephanie, Daniela and Carmencita will never return to live with them. When they first arrived in June 2012 they could barely walk. Stephanie 5 didn't talk much and moaned for communication. Daniela 4 barely smiled and was less conversant than her sister. Carmencita, around 2, could not stand or walk without assistance. They came with scars and bloated stomachs. Carmencita came with a fever and the Tias (aunts) thought she was going to die. They only stayed for 3 days and then went to a nutrition centre to be put on IV. They stayed for 4 months to recuperate.
When they came back you could see a definite change. Stephanie's vocabulary expanded immensely and she warmed up to everyone. Daniela showed us her beautiful smile and her energetic side. Carmencita's health had not improved as much as her sisters and she was sent back to the nutrition centre for another couple of months. She finally came back to stay in January 2013. At first she had severe separation anxiety and never wanted to walk. Gradually she began to walk more. She loves flower petals so I would scatter them around on the ground and get her to pick them up. To her it was just a game but she got a lot of exercise out of it. When there were no flowers nearby I would walk her around to pick lemons that had fallen from the trees inside their yard. Now in March 2013 when she sees me coming through the gate I can hear her calling " Aiii, Aiii." (Abby, Abby). She walks almost all of the time now. She still enjoys picking up "mones" (limones) and she loves running around and sliding down the slide on the playground in the yard. Everyone who meets her instantly falls in love with her. It has been a blessing to see her grow and become strong. In her big brown eyes you no longer see pain and suffering but love and joy. 

Abby Blacklock 14

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